Donning doctoral regalia is a representation of your academic accomplishment and knowledge, not just following tradition. When donning their regalia during graduation ceremonies, doctorate candidates should follow some helpful guidelines and manners:Donning doctoral regalia is a representation of your academic accomplishment and knowledge, not just following tradition. When donning their regalia during graduation ceremonies, doctorate candidates should follow some helpful guidelines and manners:
1. Preparation: To avoid creases, make sure your regalia has been carefully pressed or steam-cleaned prior. In order to avoid creases, hang it up somewhere secure.
2. Understanding the Components: The gown, hood, and cap (sometimes called the mortarboard) are the three primary parts of the doctoral regalia.
3. Donning the Gown:
- With your arms relaxed by your sides, take a straight stance.
- Ensuring that the front panel lays properly in front of you, slip the gown over your head.
- Let the sleeves fall loosely at your sides. Tighten any zippers or buttons to keep the gown in place.
4. Wearing the Hood:
- Wear the hood around your neck so that the satin lining is exposed and the velvet side is facing outward.
- To keep the hood from slipping, fasten it to your gown using the included button or loop.
- To ensure that the velvet trim is visible and the hood drapes softly down your back, adjust its length.
5. Positioning the Cap:
- With the front point of the cap positioned in the middle of your eyebrows, place it firmly on your head.
- Make sure the ribbon or elastic band beneath your chin is adjusted to fit snugly but not too tightly.
- Before the ceremony starts, if your cap has a tassel, it should hang on the right side.
6. Walking and Moving:
- Keep your head up and posture straight when you walk.
- To prevent tripping or stepping on your hood, pay attention to its length.
- If necessary, gently hold your robe closed with your hands; however, try not to fidget too much.
7. During the Ceremony:
- Until told otherwise, wear your cap on your head and the tassel on your right side while seated.
- Pay close attention to what the speakers are saying and take any indications they may give about adjusting the hood or tassel.
- Follow your institution's unique protocol instructions if there are any.
8. Interacting with Others:
- It's usual to meet faculty members and other grads while wearing a cap.
- Steer clear of touching or adjusting your regalia excessively when speaking.
- When accepting congratulations or being posed for pictures, keep your composure and wear your regalia appropriately.
9. After the Ceremony:
- When taking off your regalia, be careful not to damage or wrinkle it.
- To save your gown, hood, and cap for later use or as a keepsake of your accomplishment, hang them in a secure location.
10. Respect Tradition:
- Doctoral regalia should be worn with reverence and respect as it is rich in tradition and meaning.
- Recognize the importance of each element and proudly wear them as you commemorate your achievements in the classroom.
You can respect academic tradition and present your accomplishment with dignity and respect at graduation ceremonies by wearing your PhD regalia appropriately and adhering to these etiquette guidelines.
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